Bierer Meters, Family Owned and Operated Since 1987. Manufacturing Absolute Lineman Proven Durable, Efficient, Reliable, and Safe, Made in the USA, Voltage Detectors, Phasing Meters, Secondary Testers, Grounds Testers, Cable Id Devices, Phasing Rangers, Power Supplies, Temporary Protective Grounds, Mechanical Jumpers, Cover Up, Bierer USA – Utility Support Assistance includes professional Customer Support, Repairs, Calibration, Technical Assistance, Video Conferencing, Field Training, Tool and Work Methods Meetings, Safety Conference Presentations, and our exclusive 3 session all day Lineworker Safety Tool Competence Workshop. Serving all Electric Utilities and Contractors throughout America and Canada.
About Bierer Products
Accurate and efficient testing for voltage and phasing, is crucial to the Lineworker’s safety and system maintenance. It is always important to verify the status of conductors as nominal, induced, backfeed, de-energized, in phase, out of phase, and proper ID. Bierer products make your task safer, and more efficient.
Bierer Meters’ products all utilize modular construction, and can be easily repaired and calibrated. All of our Voltage Detectors and Phasing Meters are designed to be used with live line tools, and comply with ASTM requirements and OSHA regulations.
Bierer Voltage Detectors and Phasing Meters are available in voltage ranges up to 765 kV, and are available in Horn and Light, Analog, or Digital versions. Designed for both Overhead and Underground systems. Bierer products are supplied with either a Canvas Bag or Padded Case. All Bierer Meters’ products are water resistant and have strong housing construction designed to withstand the rigors of Line Work.
Bierer products offer the very best, highest quality standards you have come to expect from Bierer Meters, the name your Line Crews trust, and the Electric Power Industry’s world leader in personal protection and HV testing.
Tough, Durable, Dependable, the name you can trust in personal high voltage testing, Bierer & Associates, Inc.